Press Release: New Inuvialuit Led Conservation Area Established in the Yukon

Posted on June 16, 2024

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Request for Proposals - Aullaviat/Anguniarvik Video Project

Posted on April 29, 2024

We are currently seeking proposals for the Aullaviat/Anguniarvik Traditional Conservation Area (TCA) Video Project.

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Job Posting - Community Engagement Coordinator

Posted on Jan. 17, 2022

We are currently hiring for the position of Community Engagement Coordinator! Apply by September 11, 2022.

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Job Posting - Program Manager

Posted on Jan. 17, 2022

We are currently hiring for the position of Program Manager! Apply by February 13, 2022.

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Wildlife Conservation and Management Plan Update

Posted on Dec. 17, 2021

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Press Release - Public Comment Opportunity

Posted on June 7, 2021

The Wildlife Management Advisory Council (North Slope) has prepared a Yukon North Slope Wildlife Conservation and Management Plan. It is now available for public comment. 

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Science Chats Part 7: Qayaqtuqłuni

Posted on Dec. 14, 2020

The Yukon North Slope is an incredible place to do research, attracting scientists from around the world. And, while research findings are often published in academic journals for other scientists, what comes out of these projects is important for community members, wildlife managers, and local businesses. It is in everyone’s interest to communicate the science that is happening, and the values and interests of the Inuvialuit of the region. We want to share some of this incredible work with you! Join us in these Science Chats and check out the short video with Stephen Insley from the Wildlife Conservation Society, and Kayla Nanmak Arey, an Inuvialuk from Aklavik, as they discuss marine acoustics and the effects they have on marine wildlife.

This seventh chat is titled Qayaqtuqłuni, and this mean ‘using the kayak,’ like Inuvialuit would have traditionally done in the marine environment.

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Science Chats Part 6: Niptaqtuq

Posted on Nov. 3, 2020

Join us in for this sixth Science Chat with Dr. Isla Myers-Smith from the University of Edinburgh, and Kayla Nanmak Arey an Inuvialuit from Aklavik, NWT as they talk about Team Shrub’s work on Qikiqtaruk (Herschel Island).

This sixth chat is titled Niptaqtuq, which means ‘a very clear and calm day.’

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Science Chats Part 5: Tariumi

Posted on Oct. 29, 2020

Join us in fifth Science Chat between Cameron Eckert from Yukon Parks, and Kayla Nanmak Arey an Inuvialuit from Aklavik, as they talk Qikiqtaruk (Herschel Island) ecological monitoring!

Our fifth Science Chat is titled Tariumi. The letter r in Inuvialuktun makes a guttural or throaty sound, leading into the next letter sound. So tariumi is pronounced “da-*throaty sound-yu-me.” Da-*yu-me. This means “on the ocean” like where Qikiqtaruk lies, on the Arctic Ocean.

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Science Chats Part 2 & 3: Ahklavik & Anguniaglaniq

Posted on Sept. 28, 2020

Join us in this next Science Chat with Michelle Gruben of the Aklavik Hunters and Trappers Committee, Elizabeth Worden of the University of Manitoba, and Kayla Nanmak Arey an Inuvialuit from Aklavik as they talk about the beluga whale harvest and what it means for community members.

Our second chat is titled Ahklavik, which means ‘home of the barrenland grizzly.’ The third is titled Anguniaglaniq and that means ‘hunting traditions.’

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