Our Work on the Yukon North Slope

Since its inception, our Council has been a catalyst for cooperative management on the Yukon North Slope. We continue to work with our many partners in support of this unique and important place, guided always by our mandate to conserve and protect wildlife, habitat and traditional Inuvialuit use within the Yukon North Slope.

Under the Inuvialuit Final Agreement (IFA), our Council is responsible for providing advice to the appropriate ministers on all matters relating to wildlife policy and the management regulation and administration of wildlife, habitat and harvesting for the Yukon North Slope. In addition, we provide advice to the Porcupine Caribou Management Board, the Yukon Land Use Planning Commission, the Review Board and other appropriate groups and determine and recommend quotas for Inuvialuit harvesting on the Yukon North Slope. Lastly, we are responsible for advising on measures required to protect habitat critical for wildlife and harvesting and for the creation of the Wildlife Conservation and Management Plan for the Yukon North Slope - this plan is a key tool in achieving and maintaining the principles of conservation set out in the IFA.  


Our recommendations are grounded in Inuvialuit and science-based knowledge of the Yukon North Slope.

Inuvialuit Values

The Yukon North Slope remains an important place in the Inuvialuit homeland - this is central in all our work.

For The Future

Our Council always keeps an eye to the needs of future generations, while honouring the work of those before us.

The Wildlife Conservation and Management Plan

We are responsible for the development, revision, and implementation of the Wildlife Conservation and Management Plan for the Yukon North Slope. This Plan guides much of what we do here at WMAC(NS), as well as how we engage and collaborate with other organizations.

The Plan

Our Projects

The Council and Staff lead and support a range of projects each year to advance WMAC(NS) goals, such as the Inuvialuit and Nanuq: A Polar Bear Traditional Knowledge Study and the Inuvialuit Traditional Knowledge of Wildlife Habitat, Yukon North Slope study. Check out some of our most recent work!

Our Projects

The Yukon North Slope Conference

One of our commitments under the Inuvialuit Final Agreement is the Yukon North Slope Conference. Attendees come from myriad backgrounds, including indigenous organizations across Canada, various levels of government, land users and knowledge holders, and private sector representatives - this diversity makes for excellent discussion and idea sharing!

Parks and Protected Areas

As a result of the IFA, two parks were created on the Yukon North Slope: Ivvavik National Park and Herschel Island (Qikiqtaruk) Territorial Park. Our Council plays a significant role in the management of these parks, by providing guidance and advice on matters of wildlife, habitat, and heritage.

Protected Lands

Knowledge-Based Recommendations

Our Council provides recommendations on issues like harvest quotas, development assessment, research priorities and methods, and legislative and regulatory review, all which can impact the wildlife and Inuvialuit use of the Yukon North Slope. These recommendations are based on synthesis and thorough review of information from both Inuvialuit and western-science based ways of knowing. 

Council Minutes

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